Bulli Beach Reserve, Bulli Beach

Client: Wollongong City Council
Location: Trinity Row, Bulli Beach, NSW 2516
Budget: $270,000-$310,000

Project Outline

CRS was appointed the task of upgrading the existing playground at Bulli Beach Reserve, hugging the picturesque NSW coastline.

Project Approach

Inclusivity was an important motivator for the new space, with this in mind, CRS designed an accessible area to welcome children of all ages and abilities. The open plan surface is a combination of concrete and soft-fall rubber, making it easy for prams and wheelchairs to get around. A bike path intertwines the area as well, adding more play value for visitors on 2 wheels. A wheelchair-accessible spinning carousel and an inground trampoline again make it easy for less mobile friends to have a great time.

At ground level, children will find various play panels, musical chimes, voice tubes and pretend shop fronts to fuel their imagination and improve their hospitality skills. Nearby, a 3-bay swing set is equipped with a large Nest seat, Boat seat, Toddler seat and Cub seat.

CRS added not 1 but 2 cherries to this cake. A stunning KliX TOWERplay fort for mixed-age groups and a KliX ACCESSplay fort with an inbuilt trampoline for smaller, less mobile children to explore and conquer.

Project Special Features

The constant salty breeze along with the exposure to UV rays meant all new equipment used CoastGard™ corrosive-resistant materials and specialised primers. Introducing CoastGard™ helps prolong the integrity and longevity of the equipment and reduces maintenance costs.

To finish off the project, a certified soft-fall rubber system made from 100% recycled tyres was installed. While sandstone blocks and curved benches give children (and carers) a place to rest and enjoy the view.

Project Equipment

Project Surfacing, Landscaping & Park Furniture

  • Supply and installation of wetpour rubber (Soft-fall)
  • Concrete Paths
  • Sandstone Seating Blocks
  • Curved Bench Seats
  • Turf, Pants and Mulch

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